Curiosidades sobre o matemático inglês Frank Morley (1860 – 1937)


Frank Morley (1860 – 1937) foi um matemático inglês.

Morley escreveu principalmente sobre geometria, mas também sobre álgebra. 

O seu filho, Frank V. Morley, descreveu o pai referindo:

"... then he would begin to fiddle in his waistcoat pocket for a stub of pencil perhaps two inches long, and there would be a certain amount of scrabbling in a side pocket for an old envelope, and then there would be silence for a long time; until he would get up a little stealthily and make his way toward his study - but the boards in the hall always creaked, and my mother would call out, "Frank, you're not going to work!" - and the answer would always be, "A little, not much!" - and the study door would close.
(It wasn't hard to gather that my father was working at geometry, and I knew pretty well what geometry was, because for a long time I had been drawing triangles and things; but when you examined the envelope he left behind, what was really mysterious was that there was hardly ever a drawing on it, but just a lot of calculations in Greek letters. Geometry without pictures I found it hard to approve; indeed, I prefer it with pictures to this present day.)"

Morley é mais conhecido pelo seu teorema sobre as trissetrizes dos ângulos internos de um triângulo.

O Teorema de Morley é um famoso teorema da geometria plana.

Clique sobre a imagem seguinte e conheça este teorema.

Conheça aqui, também, a demonstração do teorema de Morley realizada em 1899 pelo matemático John Conway (1937 – 2020) – Conway morreu no dia 11 de abril de 2020, aos 82 anos, devido a complicações da COVID-19.

Conway escreveu:

"Morley's theorem is renowned as being a theorem that's really hard to prove. Very simple to state, but very hard to prove."

A demonstração de Conway é considerada a mais simples.




Por Adília Marinho

Publicado/editado: 09/09/2021